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Quick & Easy Way to Implement Drag n Share With jQuery

You must have seen the drag to share functionality on  Mashable  that lets visitors share the content on popular social networks intuitively. Just drag one of the images in an article and you’ll be able to share the article on your favorite social network by dropping the dragged image over its icon. Even, Nettuts has written a nice  tutorial  on how to implement this functionality into your website using jQuery. But here is a much elegant solution to achieve the drag n share effect using jQuery with just a line or two of JavaScript code. Get the prettySociable Plugin To implement this functionality, you will need the  prettySociable jQuery plugin  written by Stéphane Caron. Download and extract the plugin, it contains everything you need to get up and running with drag n share. Include the Required Files To add drag n share to a page, add reference to jquery and prettySociable in your page’s  head tag. The plugin folder also includes  images and css  folders in addition to  js  fold

15 Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery

CSS is great and when it is combined with powerful JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, you can achieve some really amazing things. Combining these two together will let you enhance the user experience by providing more intuitive and responsive web interface. Here are 15 ways you can use jQuery to improve CSS techniques. 1. Custom Styled Radio Buttons and Checkboxes It is always hard and next to impossible to customize style of radio buttons and checkboxes. But using jQuery we can easily customize the radio buttons and check boxes to make them more user friendly. Here are two different ways to stylize them: Custom Designed Checkbox and Radio Buttons Radio Button and Checkbox replacement. 2. Setting Equal Heights with jQuery Creating the visual effect of equal-height columns or content boxes has been a challenge ever since we abandoned table-based layouts. Here’s the jQuery way to set equal height of multiple elements using the  equalHeights plugin . With this plugin, you can make e

25 New & Useful PHP Techniques & Tutorials

PHP is the most popular and widely accepted server side scripting language among developers due to its easy to learn nature, free of cost and its large ever increasing helpful community. Here are 25 useful PHP techniques and tutorials, most of which have been published only in this year. 1.  Facebook type image rotation and more using PHP and Javascript How does facebook rotate images in gallery. Here’s a nice solution using the inbuilt  imagerotate functionality in PHP.  View Demo » 2.  Retrieve Google Analytics Visits and Pageviews with PHP Learn how to integrate Google Analytics data into your website using an easy to use PHP API View Demo » 3.  Caching Dynamic PHP pages easily Learn how to cache database intensive heavy pages and serve the static html cached files utilizing the output buffering in PHP 4.  Reading Excel Sheet in PHP In this article you will learn, how you can read Microsoft Excel Sheet in PHP using Open Source Tool PHPExcelReader. 5.  XML Parsing in PHP/XPath Wa