Now-a-days, most of the people carry Laptop computers with them and therefore they can easily connect Internet on the go. All you need to have a mobile phone along with your Laptop and you will get an easy access to Internet from anywhere and everywhere. There are different ways to connect Internet from your phone and some of them are: Bluetooth, Data Transfer Cable and Wi-Fi. Connect Internet Via Bluetooth: For this you need a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone and Bluetooth enabled laptop. 1. First of all you need to activate internet services in your phone and then switch on the Bluetooth. 2. Open the start menu on your laptop and then click on “Devices and Printers” to load device list. Then click on “Add a Device” and Windows will start searching new devices. After the search gets over, click next button. 3. Pair your phone and laptop by verifying codes and then go back to the device list. 4. Double click on the phone icon to open operations panel a...
Basic understanding of some Information Technology