Dhananjay Karn Eval Technologies mentioned. By default wordpress displays its posts on home page but this is not always desirable. What if you want to display a static page on home page and display your posts on separate page as www.yourdomain.com/blog/ , WordPress Page Templates are the answer WordPress provides a clever way to do this called Custom Page Templates.When building out a custom “Blog” section for your WordPress site, sometimes it’s easiest to create a custom page template that you can customize that allows you to set the page location (such as http://yourdomain.com/blog), as well as your very own title and description that are displayed at the top of the blog section. Follow the 6steps and you will have a separate blog template: Step 1. Copy index.php to blog_template.php Create a new php file blog_template.php and copy the contents from index.php. This is to maintain the current theme str...
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