Freepascal Driver - Target NativeNT Based on ‘WRITE ONCE COMPILE ANYWHERE’ principle, Freepascal has the ability to make DLLs, Console and GUI Applications for multiple platforms followed by support for ARM Processors, etc. A very interesting feature that Freepascal (may) will have in the near future is the ability to compile Kernel Mode and or User Mode Device Drivers. Although the support is unavailable in the current stable release, we might one day in the near future be writing our own Device Drivers in Freepascal wth a built in support in some new future release of Freepascal, that is for now not possible with the Current Stable Release of Freepascal. The Official Page related to this new feature is: Target-NativeNT in Freepascal Wiki . I wrote this Article because I saw that many people were having problem(s) building the NativeNT Freepascal Package provided in as the Trunk Build. If you just want the Compiled Tools and don’t want...
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