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Showing posts with the label Programm

Easly Learn Programming Without Paying a Penny

Technology is all around us – in our offices, on our living room coffee tables, in our pockets, in our hands, and even in our cars. The technology revolution unfurled in the early 1990s has seeped into every facet of our lives – from smartphones and laptops, to advanced navigation systems and computer controlled ignition systems in cars. Every digitally controlled system runs on software. Netscape founder and Silicon Valley icon Marc Andreessen went so far as to say that “ software is eating the world “. And since every piece of software requires programmers to code it, it is inevitable that in the near future, an active knowledge of programming will be a significant advantage in virtually any job. According to , ‘computer applications software engineer’ is the fourth fastest growing job in the United States, with a median pay of $82,000 in 2006 (a figure bound to go up as demand far outstrips supply). In fact, to get a job in any computer-related field, a workin...