In this post i will show you how to place a related posts widget under your blog posts.Displaying related posts under your blog posts is a great way to keep visitors to your blog - on your blog.The gadget works by displaying a list of posts that have the same label/labels as the post currently being viewed, so there is a good chance the visitors will also be interested in the related posts.To add the recent posts widget we must add two pieces of code to your blog. Adding Related Posts To Your Blog. 1. Click 'Layout'-->'Edit html' for your blog (Tick the expand widget templates box) 2. Find the following piece of code in your blogs hmkl: </head> 3. Copy and paste the code below Directly Before </head> <!--Related Posts Scripts and Styles Start--> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <style> #related-posts { float:left; text-transform:none; height:100%; min-height:100%; padding-top:5px; padding-left:5p...
Basic understanding of some Information Technology