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SEO most wanted tools of September

magine the internet without search engines. What a nightmare this would be. From millions of websites, blogs, services and money making opportunities to poorly hundreds, most of them nonsense dreams of misunderstood people. If asked, YES, I dedicate this Ferrari type of evolution to search engines who keeps 80% of everything that the internet is made of  alive  and motivated . There are thousands of blogs and websites starting each day and hundreds of thousands people thinking, tweaking and optimizing pages and practices to please the mighty giants. Giants that brings visits, evaluate our pages, make connections between publishers and visitors or advertisers, gave birth to other giants in the so called "SEO industry" and the list can go on forever. Everything to be included in their algorithm of fame. They represent the mix that holds everything together in a harmonious experience.  Online Advertising Made Simple "Clickable is an online advertising solution that ...

Designer's ToolbOX

It takes seconds for a programmer to start his new project and give it a shape but for a web designer it's not that simple. It's all about inspiration, art, a lot of imagination and time. Sometimes weeks, days or hours. After that, you need the skills to draw that image from your head and actually put it "on paper". This requires talent, experience and more inspiration. With this small roundup featuring september's best resources for designers, we will try to feed your mind with a little bit of information and tools that might get you started faster or take you to a higher level.  Go Media's Arsenal "Professional Design Weaponry"  Your free online color matching toolbox "Free online tool for color palette design and matching"  Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles - Free Download "Photoshop Layer Styles are the easiest way to speed up the design process. I found that my previous article - Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients v3.0 was...