Plugin to create a users community on any WordPress blog. You will have user profiles pages, photo galleries, private messaging and much more.
A plugin to build user communities all around WordPress, mainly it’s around having a well integrated profiles system. This plugin will provide all needed functions and widgets to make it easy and flexible the ways to show all information about a user. Also, there is some user privacy settings to permit which information to show in the profile page.
With this plugin, you can manage you user profiles and have a user list. For each user, a profile page is provided. The information shown in the profile page is based on your privacy settings. Also, you can select the user list order, ascending or descending, and ordering by different fields: ID, login name, display name or date registered.
WordPress avatars can be replaced by local avatars. And also a user picture at big size, is shown in the user profile page. This requires the Gallery component running. For the user profile pages, the labels for IM addresses can be replaced by your own. (As example, you can change 'Yahoo IM' for 'Skype'). In the WordPress login page, the WordPress logo can be replaced, and the links will be changed to point to your blog. (By default the WordPress logo is shown and the links point to the WordPress site).
All pages use templates, so you can create you own output template to customize and style all displayed pages. The templetes directory can be moved outside the plugin to prevent loosing your custom templates on update.
- Paged user list and the user profile page.
- Customize the logo on your login's page by uploading a new logo.
- Manage user galleries and upload user pictures.
- Moderate user pictures by using WordPress capabilities (Optional moderation).
- Links posts authors and comment authors to user profile.
- Use the local avatars if them exists. User can select which picture to use as Avatar.
- User photo is shown in the profile page. A photo Gallery is also provided. User can select the picture to show from loaded images.
- Settings page for profiles and gallery.
- Templating system to create your own templates and styles for all pages.
- An activity log to see what's happening on the site and who did it. Like an activity wall.
Future Planned Features
- Custom user fields. For registration and profile.
- Privacy settings per user.
- Private messaging.
- And some other under consideration.
Languages included:
- English
- Catalan
- Spanish
- Belorussian by Marcis Gasuns
- Dutch by Johan de Meijer
- French by <a href=" rel="nofollow">monBouc
- German by Arne Gockeln
- Italian by Livio Di Puorto
- Portuguese (Brasil) by Alicia Ayala
- Portuguese (Portugal) by Tiago Almeida
- POT file for easy translation to other languages included. See the translators page for more information.
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